Saturday, 1 November 2014

Guess Who's Blogging Everyday in November?

Meeeee. In conjunction with the whole 'I'm-going-to-do-NaNoWriMo-challenge-and-win' mindset I've given myself, I decided to up the challenge. I'm going to blog everyday this month.

Is this going to work? Probably not.

Am I going to give it a cracker of a shot anyway? Yes.

I have scheduled the whole month out, and I think it's doable. Hopefully. I'm just going to have to learn to juggle this and NaNoWriMo and an assignment and study for this first week. Then I'll be as free as a butterfly.

Speaking of NaNoWriMo, you'll see updates here. I'm thinking right now I'll stick to one update blog every ten days. That way it's not overkill, but the progress won't seem crazy huge. Obviously there'll be other posts, but let's keep them as a surprise (also, there isn't really any sort of rhyme or reason to it, so it's better if I just don't try and justify it).

How about I give you a few stats now, on Day 1? I have written 3,543 words so far. Pretty happy with that. Hopefully the overachieving streak will continue.

I am trying to write a fantasy. Minor problem: I have nothing planned out at all. Hopefully I won't get too lost in the middle. Let's see how we go, shall we?

So, this is blog post #1. I apologise in advance if you hate me by the end of the month.

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