Monday, 5 January 2015

Things I'm Digging | December 2014.

It's the last 'Things I'm Digging' for the year of 2014! How thrilling! Alright, let's get a move on.

The Flash
Guys, I can't help myself. I'm mad-crushing on Grant Gustin. He is all types of adorable and geeky. I love it. So much.

The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies
It has finally ended. At last. *cue Etta James* It was good, guys. I'll give Peter Jackson that. And Lee Pace is my fav. I have to say though, my absolute favourite part of the entire trilogy was Legolas' last fight scene because the CGI was so terrifically bad, I actually cried from holding back the laughs.

'Everybody Wants to Rule the World' a la Lorde version
So atmospheric and intense and creepy and woah. Rekindled love, right there. Also, it fits right into the tone of my would-be novel. Totally gets me in the right state of mind to write it.

'Quiet' by Susan Cain
This was the last book I finished in 2014, but it was one of the most interesting. Quiet is all about introverts and how they're different to extroverts and in what ways that's both a good and bad thing. As an introvert, I found it fascinating to read about it, and the studies done into it. More often than not, I was nodding in agreement with what Susan Cain said. Really cool read.

I bought a lot of them during the Boxing Day sales. Not even sorry. Novo had a great sale on (as they always tend to), and then I saw this pair of shoes in Dotti and I was a goner.


What were some of your favourites in the month of December? Any Christmas presents that you absolutely adored?

1 comment:

  1. Ah those shoes look beautiful! Quiet is a book I'm looking forward to reading, especially after the praise written here. I don't think Lorde can fail in any way - her music is beautiful. <3
